The platform for MORE! English textbooks: Teaching objects towards the competences of the Swiss curriculum
Conference paper (in proceedings)

The platform for MORE! English textbooks: Teaching objects towards the competences of the Swiss curriculum

Créativité, transformations et innovations en éducation

  • 2023
Published in:
  • Actes du colloque / Pogranova, Slavka ; Ramillon, Corinne. - 2023, p. 54-56
English The learning of foreign languages, including English (L3), is a significant issue in primary schools. Associated with this is the incorporation of digital artefacts which become an integral part of courses favouring any training via interposed media (Blyth, 2008). What about classroom textbooks and the role of related digital tools? In our paper, we offer an analysis of the digital platform which supports the English textbooks MORE! (2013, 2014). Our interest is to understand the teaching objects involved, namely what is offered to be worked on during online activities, with reference to the competences of the PER (2012). The teaching objects become the learning objects forming part of the internal transposition (cf. Schneuwly, 1995). Our theoretical framework is that of Schneuwly and Dolz (2009) and Coste et al. (1976), the latter proposing a typol- ogy of speech acts. We mobilise the elements (lexical, grammatical etc) of language func- tioning in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CECR, 2001), with some adaptations (cf. Pogranova, 2020). In addition to the teaching objects, we iden- tify the students’ competences (cf. PER, 2012, 2021), allowing us to understand the plat- form as a learning-teaching space and to highlight its specificities. Digital education leads us to rely on concepts of the mediatisation of learning (Ciekanski, 2014) in a multimedia environment which allows “a greater or lesser degree of interactivity [...] [grouping to- gether under the same space] at least two of the following elements: sound text, still im- age, moving image, in digital form” (Rézeau, 2001. p. 233) between the learner and the elements already mentioned. The availability of a platform calls for “multimodal compe- tences, [...] which effectively combine writing, image and audio through various media formats” (Lebrun et al., 2012, pp. 74–76).
Références, Blyth, C. S. (2008). Research perspectives on online discourse and foreign language learning. In Sieloff Magnan, S. (dir.). Mediating discourse online (pp. 47–70). John Benjamins., Ciekanski, M. (2014). Accompagner l'apprentissage des langues à l’heure du numérique – Évolution des problématiques et diversité des pratiques. Alsic, 17, 1–16., Coste, D., Courtillon, J., Ferenczi, V., Martins-Baltar, M., Papo, E., & Roulet, E. (1976). Un niveau seuil. Hatier., Conférence intercantonale de l’instruction publique de la Suisse romande et du Tessin (CIIP). (2012/2021). Plan d’études romand. CIIP: Neuchâtel., Council of Europe (2001). Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment. Council of Europe: Strasbourg., Lebrun, M., Lacelle, N. & Boutin (Eds.). (2012). La littératie médiatique multimodale : De nouvelles approches en lecture-écriture à l’école et hors de l’école. Presses de l’Uni- versité du Québec., Pogranova, S. (2020). Les pratiques des enseignants en formation initiale : la construc- tion des savoirs, les gestes didactiques et l’alternance des langues en classe d’alle- mand et d’anglais à l’école primaire. Berlin: Peter Lang.
  • English
Education, teaching
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